CJC-1295, Ipamorelin 10mg Peptide Sciences




Product Description: CJC-1295, Ipamorelin 10mg Peptide Sciences

Are you looking to enhance your bodybuilding journey and achieve your fitness goals faster? Look no further than CJC-1295, Ipamorelin 10mg from Peptide Sciences. This powerful combination of peptides is designed to optimize muscle growth, increase strength, and improve overall performance. With its unique formulation and exceptional quality, this product is a must-have for both beginners and experienced bodybuilders.

Specific Details, Features, and Benefits

  • Advanced Peptide Combination: CJC-1295 and Ipamorelin work synergistically to stimulate the release of growth hormone, promoting muscle growth and recovery.
  • Enhanced Muscle Growth: This product helps to increase protein synthesis, leading to accelerated muscle growth and improved muscle definition.
  • Increased Strength: By promoting the development of lean muscle mass, CJC-1295, Ipamorelin 10mg enhances strength and power, allowing you to push your limits during workouts.
  • Improved Recovery: The peptides in this product aid in reducing muscle soreness and promote faster recovery after intense training sessions, enabling you to train more frequently and consistently.
  • Enhanced Fat Loss: CJC-1295, Ipamorelin 10mg helps to increase metabolism and promote fat burning, supporting a leaner physique.
  • Quality Assurance: Peptide Sciences ensures the highest quality standards for their products, guaranteeing purity, potency, and effectiveness.

Correct Usage and Storage

To maximize the benefits of CJC-1295, Ipamorelin 10mg, it is important to follow the correct usage and storage guidelines:

  • Administration: The recommended dosage for beginners is 300-600mcg per day, divided into two equal doses. Experienced bodybuilders can increase the dosage up to 900mcg per day. It is best to administer the peptides on an empty stomach, preferably in the morning and before bed.
  • Reconstitution: Mix the contents of the vial with bacteriostatic water or sterile water. Gently swirl the vial until the powder is completely dissolved. Do not shake vigorously.
  • Storage: Store the reconstituted solution in a refrigerator at a temperature between 2-8°C (36-46°F). Avoid exposure to direct sunlight or extreme heat.

Indications and Contraindications

CJC-1295, Ipamorelin 10mg is indicated for individuals looking to enhance their muscle growth, strength, and overall performance. It is suitable for both men and women who are committed to their fitness journey. However, it is important to note the following contraindications:

  • Pregnancy and Nursing: This product is not recommended for pregnant or nursing women.
  • Allergies: Individuals with known allergies to any of the ingredients should avoid using this product.
  • Medical Conditions: Consult with a healthcare professional before using this product if you have any underlying medical conditions or are taking any medications.

Value for the Buyer

By choosing CJC-1295, Ipamorelin 10mg from Peptide Sciences, you are investing in a premium product that offers exceptional value:

  • Optimized Performance: Experience enhanced muscle growth, increased strength, and improved recovery, allowing you to reach your fitness goals faster.
  • Quality Assurance: Peptide Sciences ensures that their products are of the highest quality, providing you with peace of mind and confidence in your purchase.
  • Expertly Formulated: The combination of CJC-1295 and Ipamorelin is carefully designed to deliver maximum results, backed by scientific research and customer testimonials.
  • Convenience: With easy-to-follow administration guidelines and proper storage instructions, incorporating this product into your fitness routine is hassle-free.

Don’t settle for average results. Take your bodybuilding journey to the next level with CJC-1295, Ipamorelin 10mg from Peptide Sciences. Unlock your true potential and achieve the physique you’ve always desired. Order now and experience the power of these exceptional peptides!

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Active ingredient



Peptide Sciences

Amount of active ingredient





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